perm filename RAND[RDG,DBL]2 blob sn#554381 filedate 1981-01-07 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Mailed to CSD.LENAT  14:47 18-Dec
C00003 00003	Date: 18 Dec 1980 1714-PST
C00006 00004	∂Mailed to RICK@RAND-AI, CSD.LENAT 11:59 19-Dec
C00009 00005	∂19-Dec-80  1237	RICK at RAND-AI 	Re: Meeting Dates 
C00010 00006	∂Mailed to RICK@RAND-AI, CSD.LENAT/CC 11:42 22-Dec
C00012 00007	∂22-Dec-80  1516	RICK at RAND-AI 	Re: The best laid plans of ...   
C00013 00008	1. Details of RLL
C00014 00009	∂31-Dec-80  2354	RICK at RAND-AI 	Re: The best laid plans of ...   
C00015 ENDMK
Mailed to CSD.LENAT  14:47 18-Dec
LA Bound
	This is just a reminder of my trip to LA next week.  Current plans
are to leave sometime like Tuesday or Wednesday, and to return on the week-end -
driving both ways.  (If Rand prefers, I could visit there on Monday, en route
	Also, remember to ask Rick about the possibility of letting
us use his RAND-AI machine for our RLL work.
Date: 18 Dec 1980 1714-PST
Subject: [RICK at RAND-AI: Re: RLL]

You should send a note to Rick, proposing which days next
week are good for you.
I think he expects this to be planning meeting, rather than a real paid consulting
day.  If a joint project does emerge, you should inquire
about arranging a consulting concract, getting a clearance, etc.
Let me know what's happening.

Mail-from: ARPANET site RAND-AI rcvd at 18-Dec-80 1658-PST
Date: 18 Dec 1980 1655-PST
Subject: Re: RLL
In-Reply-To: Your message of 18-Dec-80 1609-PST

	i'm interested enough in rll that you ought to have your emissary
drop by with some concrete proposals.  i am interested in the language
issues following ROSIE and still wish we were working on competition,
etc.  i think it may be possible to work something out if we can find
some target application.  at this point, there isn't any specific application
underway, but i'd still be interested in the competitive theory problem
and i have a new colleague who might be good.  have russ propose
some meeting times.

    on the book, we now have hard deadlines from all the authors
ranging from jan15 to feb 15 for their drafts.  it's going slower
than i hoped, but it looks like they'll all come in soon.

       i hope everyone up there is doing well.  our aaron has his first
illness, laryngitis perhaps virus/flu related.  oh well.


∂Mailed to RICK@RAND-AI, CSD.LENAT 11:59 19-Dec
Meeting Dates

Doug forwarded your message to me.  Sorry to hear about Aaron; but
hope his reduced vocal abilities have, at least, lead to increased
sleep for you and Barbara...

I'm still formulating plans for this trip down south.
The current best candidate involves leaving here
this Tuesday, and returning, say, Sunday morning.
This means I could stop off at Rand en route on Wednesday, the 24th.
Another possibility would require postponing my return departure a day,
allowing us to meet on Monday the 29th.
(I would actually have no objection to meeting anytime in between,
if that would jive better with your schedules.)

As to the content of that meeting:
I wasn't able to infer from your response what sort of "concrete
proposals" you were after.  
Did you mean finding a connection joining the reprsentation-related research
(of RLL/MRS) with the linguistic based approached examplified in
ROSIE, or some particular application which required the joint facilities
of these two systems? ... or something completely different.
(Perhaps you were comtemplating something based on the 
"competitive theory problem" you mentioned.
I'm totally unfamiliar with that work (or even just what it means).
If it's relevant, could send some reference to this work?)

Anyway, I look forward to seeing you et al. soon.  Let me know when.
∂19-Dec-80  1237	RICK at RAND-AI 	Re: Meeting Dates 
Date: 19 Dec 1980 1234-PST
Subject: Re: Meeting Dates 
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: csd.lenat at SU-SCORE
In-Reply-To: Your message of 19-Dec-80 1159-PST

	let's meet on the morning of the 24th for our first
interaction.  how's 9:30.

	concrete proposals refer to sow's ears and other
such yuletide offerings.

	see you then,

∂Mailed to RICK@RAND-AI, CSD.LENAT/CC 11:42 22-Dec
The best laid plans of ...
Rick -
	The weather in LA & SF conspired to keep my brother (and
part-time auto mechanic) from arriving here last evening.
This made it very hard to begin tuning up my car this morning, as we'd planned.
This will, in turn, push back my entire schedule.

Would it be possible to meet sometime AFTER this Wednesday?  As I mentioned
earlier I would have no objection to convening on the 25th or 26th.
(These do seem appropriate times to discuss concrete sow's ear, purses,
and other things pertaining to this Solstice Season.)
The other obvious candidate is next Monday.

If these are all out-of-the-question, I do have plane reservations (for tomorrow
afternoon) which I could honor.
∂22-Dec-80  1516	RICK at RAND-AI 	Re: The best laid plans of ...   
Date: 22 Dec 1980 1507-PST
Subject: Re: The best laid plans of ...   
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: csd.lenat at SU-SCORE
In-Reply-To: Your message of 22-Dec-80 1142-PST

	next monday is best by far.  what time would you like?
how about 9:30 at rand (main "east" lobby is where we'll have to meet).

1. Details of RLL
2. Paper on MRS
3. Discuss:  
  a) Plans to cooperate on project involving RLL (/ROSIE?)
  b) Use of RAND-AI machine
	(for RLL, perhaps other HPP can buy time as well)
  c) My involvement:
	Consulting with researcher on 3a
	Suggesting/critiquing ROSIE?
4. DBL might drop by

Call Steve - deliver memos to him
∂31-Dec-80  2354	RICK at RAND-AI 	Re: The best laid plans of ...   
Date: 28 Dec 1980 1930-PST
Subject: Re: The best laid plans of ...   
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: csd.lenat at SU-SCORE
In-Reply-To: Your message of 22-Dec-80 1142-PST

	you're right about the best laid plans...
i've got the flu tonite (sunday) so I'm almost positive
we can't meet monday morning as scheduled.  we'll have to
do it by phone i guess.  sorry, but i'd rather not
expose you.  i'm trying various ways to reach you before
you come to rand, but if i fail, i'm sorry for any
inconvenience this causes.
